Friday, September 26, 2008


The other day, something happened to my parents' fridge and everything ended up defrosted. So it was up to me to forage through the remains and make edible products (my dad and my sister would never be up for that task). For some unknown reason, my mom was storing enough puff pastry in the freezer to make a puff pastry castle. I made spanakopita last night, and then made pastries this morning. It was super easy! I popped the puff pastry cups in the oven according to directions on the package. Meanwhile I cooked down some blueberries (also defrosted from the broken fridge) on the stove. I just put them on low heat and added absolutely nothing. When the pastry cups emerged from the oven, I spooned pastry cream (made in the microwave yesterday- again, super easy) and blueberry into the cups. There you go! Pastries.

I've also been on a cupcake binge, as you can tell from the picture. On Wednesday, I made blueberry cupcakes and on Thursday chocolate cupcakes. Now I am contemplating buying one of those ridiculous cupcake-carrier-thingies just so I can spread cupcakes to the world (and get less fat by feeding my creations to other people instead of eating them ALL). For the greater good :)

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