Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Crockpot is a New Mexican's Best Friend

Being back in New Mexico, I have reverted back to my old "burrito a day" habits. (and looking at my parents stash of beans I could probably eat 3 a day) .Beans are soooo good especially when they are homemade in a crockpot. I made the most amazing pot of shredded buffalo and beans last night.
I bought a couple pieces of buffalo meat and threw it in with pinto beans, red chile powder, garlic and onion, turned the crockpot on low and let it cook 24ish hours. The buffalo cooked down and shredded. I ate my bowl of beans with lots of green chile and cheese. YUMMY!


Unknown said...

My bean burrito baby is back home.
We just scored a full bag of tasty green chile from Portales. Yummy!

Molly said...

I had a crock pot once... Then it's owner came back from Korea and I had to give it back.... Maybe I'll get me one some day.

oh how i miss that 505...

in addition to a case of Frontier Tortillas, mebee we could put an order in for a case of the 505 as well!?!?