Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Beans have LOTS of Iron

I went to donate blood on Monday and when they tested me for Anemia the nurse was blown away at how high my iron levels were. I was at 15 which is apparently higher than most men. June had similar results and decided to start looking up foods to see where the massive amounts of iron are coming from. She looked up cabbage first since she has been eating a lot of it, but a serving only has 2% of iron. Then it hit her....BEANS! Did you know that a single serving of beans has 20% of your daily dose of iron? My New Mexican crockpots of beans are like vats of ironie goodness. Yet another reason to eat a burrito a day!


Unknown said...

Lots of gas too! :)

Mom said...

Well, that certainly beats the childhood remedies that traumatized me---yaaay beans!